Mike had a very dense, very dated 4-page resume that was generating only mild interest for manager level jobs, not the VP/Director level he was qualified for.
First up was to modernize the resume so it could be easily read on a phone. I trimmed the excess wording so it’s leaner, cleaner, and tighter and reduced the number of bullets and packed them with keywords that would be picked up by the ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) used by most companies today.
The strategic format I used shows challenges, actions, and results, along with a 5 point bulleted summary. I included some of Mike’s soft skills which are in high demand today giving recruiters and hiring managers a window into his personality.
I created new sections such as the Leadership Profile on page one and added headings like Industry Leadership, Published Articles, Multiple Certifications, and Military Service to draw attention to these important contributions some of which were omitted on his original resume.
Re-framing Mike’s experience, skills, and personal attributes placed them in the driver’s seat. The final resume showcases a career of leadership and achievement and made Mike’s contributions and experience relevant to the jobs he was targeting at the levels of responsibility he is qualified for. Mike was hired shortly after he started circulating his newly formatted, modernized resume, distinctively designed to capture the attention of the reader and place him in the top tier of candidates where he belonged.