Out of work? Then job search is your new gig.

Don’t waste time trolling job sites, posting resume after resume and crashing when you don’t hear back.
Be strategic, focus, have a plan and work that plan.
Build social media presence (especially on LinkedIn) and yes on Instagram and Tic-Toc too.
A high percentage of jobs are filled through employee referrals.
Tap into family, friends, former bosses, and co-workers who know you and can help open a door.
Connect with people at companies you would like to work for. LinkedIn is an awesome tool that can help you identify hiring managers within your targeted companies.
Visit company websites, check out their career sections.
When you submit a resume include a cover letter–recruiters say it makes a difference.
Set-up an Excel spreadsheet to manage resume submissions–flag for follow-up…and do it.
Develop a thick-skin, prepare for rejection.
A flu pandemic like the one in 1918 occurs about every 300 years. Covid is a once in a generation occurrence and it stinks big time that you got stuck in the middle of it. But it’s a fact and you have to plow through.
Focus on you, recognize that you’re living through a tumultuous time—take time for yourself: go for a walk, read a book, write that short story.
This is a time to carefully consider your next steps.
Many an entrepreneur was born during times such as these.
Thoughts, please.